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School’s Out, What’s Next?!

IN LESS THAN ONE WEEK, I will begin a road trip from Maine to Ft. Myers, Florida! I couldn’t be more excited for the journey ahead. 

I am going to Ft. Myers to LEAD teams from around the country in reconstruction and outreach projects as we work with Adventures in Missions (AIM) to restore homes damaged during Hurricane Ian last fall in a neighborhood called Harlem Heights. 


Wait, what!? Yes! You read that right, as of July 1st, I will be on staff with AIM as a Ministry Activator. THIS IS A DREAM COME TRUE FOR ME! Since I went on my first international mission trip, I have dreamt of being in ministry full-time, sharing God’s love with the world through the same opportunities that changed my life and taught me about His love for us. I couldn’t be more excited to start this next chapter of my life. Though I will not be returning to teaching in the fall, I desire to continue to inspire and encourage the next generation through this new role. I will have three main focuses for my role including:

#1 – to invest in OUR community here in MAINE, to build relationships with churches and encourage people to go on missions for Jesus WITH me!

#2 – to lead mission trips for 1-3 weeks primarily in the U.S., Central America & surrounding islands.

#3 – to tell the stories of what God is doing through creating videos, sharing photos and writing newsletters primarily for the organization but also for my personal experiences and partners!

In a few days I will share the story of what led me to this life change and a reflection of my past year back in America. 

Did you know, July 1st is also the same day I arrived home in Maine last year after my year long international mission trip? Now, I’ll be starting my new position as a full-time missionary EXACTLY one year later.  How cool is that?! 

I am currently looking for people to pray about partnering with AIM and I as I begin this new venture. Here are four ways you can pray about partnering with what God is doing through this organization and through the work I will be doing:

#1 – pray about praying for the work we are doing, the people’s lives we are impacting and that God would show up through us with His love. 

#2 – pray about going on a mission trip! It very well could change your life, just like it has changed mine! Mission trips are a unique opportunity to say “yes” to God in a new way, to help others in need, and to learn more about the world around you. 

#3 – pray about giving financially and investing in the projects I will be working on. We are a non-profit organization partnering with God’s people all over the world to do this work. We cannot continue to do what we do without partnership investment in what God is doing through us as individuals and through AIM. My desire is that people will invest in the work I am doing not just because it is good work but because God is inviting you to be part of it all! I am currently at 50% of my monthly fundraising goal. It’s my prayer that individuals, families, churches and businesses, will consider investing in what AIM is doing through a monthly contribution. 

#4 – pray about connections you may be able to help me make as I look to expand my partnership team. Do you know someone who might be interested in praying, going, giving or connecting?! Please help me build my team so I can expand the outreach of the ministry as well as continue to do this work. I want to be able to stay connected with partners through prayer & praise reports, updates & stories.

Would you please pray about how God may be leading you to partner with AIM in this next chapter of my life? After all, the work we do is all about helping the hurting, building community and encouraging others to do the same. Doesn’t that sound like something you want to be a part of? Your partnership as well as any investment you make will directly impact our ability to lead in this great work to create opportunities for lives to be changed forever. 

If you are already partnering with me and AIM, THANK YOU!!!! Your prayers, investments and connections have been SO HELPFUL & APPRECIATED!

If you are interested in partnering with us, please go to: with your gift preferenced to my support. 

If you are interested in setting up a time for us to connect please call, text, email or Facebook me!! 

Phone: (207)399-9659

Email: [email protected]

To view available trips or more details about Adventures in Missions please visit:

I look forward to seeing what God has in store for us here at Adventures in Missions and hearing about what God is doing in your life as well! 

Make sure to bookmark & subscribe to this page to stay up-to-date with my blogs moving forward! If you were previously subscribed but didn’t get the email notification, please re-subscribe! I lost a few subscribers in the transition from the World Race blog platform to this Adventures platform. 

More of the story of how I made this decision and what this past year has been like, coming soon!

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