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Week 3:

Left me feeling like, I cannot believe how quickly it feels like each groups’ time begins and ends here in Ft. Myers!!

We had a group of 80+ beautiful humans with @westoverhsm for their annual Project Serve opportunity. 

I was able to spend a lot of my time with 30 of them at the Harry Chapin Food Bank of Southwest Florida. We packed approximately 8,000 boxes of non perishables for families of Southwest Florida. These students and their leaders worked hard everyday to make it a competition to see which assembly line could pack the most boxes. We not only worked hard but we worked together to serve. 

Each evening we shared meals together along with worship and a teaching. This group had a team of teachers who shared messages on a common theme: Built Different – What does it look like to live differently than the world? What is God doing to rebuild and restore your life?

We were also able to host a community dinner for the residents of Harlem Heights and it was so beautiful to watch the interactions between community and the youth participants.

God was working in the team as they served the community for sure!

Week 4:

My fourth and final week was filled with sooo much goodness! 

I was joined by First Baptist Church from Boyton Beach, FL. These guys came in shy but didn’t end the week that way! 

It was so cool to watch them step into each home they were tasked with to bring 3 projects to completion!! This group worked hard and worked diligently! 

We enjoyed our daily treats from Ms. Patty & I was able to have coffee with her on our final morning. She has been such a blessing to teams over the last few weeks as she brings popsicles around the community on her bicycle. She always has such a big and bright smile on her face despite not having plumbing, finished walls or all the amenities we usually have in our homes. She is a gift to this world and a gift to the community as she gives of her heart, time and possessions to others. 

Throughout the week we studied Philippians 2 as to consider what it means to truly honor one another above ourselves. Our conversations were filled with the aroma of Christ’s love for us. 

We finished out the week with a night at the beach and God really showed off for us through another incredible sunset sky! 

I can’t believe my time leading in Ft. 

Myers has come to a close for this summer season. It’s gone by wildly fast. It’s been incredibly fun and beautifully all I could ever dream of. 

I love getting to watch God move through each team and really each individual I come in contact with on the mission field. Not only is it encouraging but it is inspiring to me to watch so many seek to live a little more like Jesus did. 

There’s no denying that lending a helping hand, speaking encouragement to others, and choosing joy no matter the circumstances can change the world. 

Let’s do more of that, shall we?! 

Lots of love, 


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