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Over the last few weeks since finishing my time leading trips in Florida, I have been on the move almost daily on the journey home. 

It has been such an incredible time to visit new locations, reconnect with old friends, reflect on this summer’s ministry and make new memories with many loved ones. 

After saying good-bye to my new friends and my family on both the East and West coasts of Florida, I began the journey North up I-95 with a few free days to myself and no real destination in mind. I ended up getting some great hotel deals and stayed a few nights at Daytona Beach, FL and Hilton Head, SC. It was such a treat to sleep in a big hotel bed after sleeping on air-mattresses, bunk beds and cots all of July. In addition, I got to wake up to ocean views, chasing the sunset on the local beaches. I spent most mornings after that getting some of the final details of my book hashed out. I used the afternoons and evenings to rest and relax while also exploring some of the sites of these cities.

After those four days on my own, I drove up to Virginia where I was set to have a mini reunion with half of my gal pals from my World Race venture last year. I found myself with a few extra hours to squeeze in a hike and a short visit with my cousin Ryan before reuniting with my gals. It was so nice to visit with them for a few days, to catch up on the big and small details of life, sharing the hardships of returning home, and the transitions that continue to arise as we find our footing in American life again. 

From here, I drove back down to Georgia for our end of summer staff retreat and reflect. This was another wonderful few days of reflecting on life and ministry. We shared so many amazing stories of God’s provision, faithfulness and love from our summer trips. 

My final trek North began after that as I journeyed to Ohio to visit my grandparents, some friends and one of my summer teams!

After a few days in Ohio, my mom met me for the final leg of the journey. We decided to head to Niagara Falls and Montreal in an effort to see our bordering nation, Canada. It was a wonderful time to share and experience with my mom after not seeing her for two months. 

 Finally, we arrived at the U.S. Canada border just North of Jackman, Maine on Thursday Aug. 24th. I was able to pop in to visit some of my raft guide friends before making a surprise appearance at my church’s VBS BBQ. 

This past weekend I have been enjoying the opportunity to share hugs and stories with familiar faces as I enter back into my home community. 

Oh, does it feel good to be home! Yet what an incredible summer it’s been serving others, sharing stories of what God is up to and seeing the beauty of our nation.

The mantra of the summer certainly has been, “Ministry is life, life is ministry.” It’s so lovely when we can walk through life living authentically as we were intended and created to do. 

Moving forward, I will continue to be plugging into my local communities to participate in all that is happening here in Maine this fall. I will also be working for Adventures in Missions on a part-time basis through remote style tasks as I continue to grow my partnership team and enjoy the last bits of summer days and weather in the mighty Kennebec Valley. It’s so sweet that God has allowed me to jump right back in to the places and spaces I love upon my return. 

More updates to come soon – hopefully a video reflection from the summer. 

Until then, may God bless you and keep you and give you peace. 


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