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During my second week in Guatemala I was again able to see many different areas of ministry happening through the hands of people at Adventures Guatemala. It was truly a blessing to be able to see God at work in so many ways throughout the surrounding communities of the missions base. One ministry really grabbed my heart and I want to share more about that specifically. 

One of our favorite ministries that we partner with in Guatemala is called Birdhouse. It was created by one of our affiliate missionaries, Emily and her husband, Tulio. Tulio has a dream to see the people of his community living in well-built homes instead of makeshift shacks. As an architect, he has put his God-given skills to good use creating this special ministry that accomplishes this dream. He and a team of volunteers work together to build these homes for the most in-need families. Each home only takes one week to build!

Recently, he worked with our volunteers to build this home for a very special set of grandparents. After previously building a house for their granddaughter and her family, Sara asked Tulio and his helpers, “will you build a house for my grandparents next”? Though there is usually a specific process to choose the recipients of these homes, Tulio could not refuse her plea for a new house for her grandparents. The simple wish of a child changed the trajectory of her whole family.

Over the past year, Tulio had a goal of building 12 homes in his community; they were able to surpass that by building 14 homes within the last year. Now Birdhouse has a new goal to complete 22 homes in 2024. 

Some of the other highlights from my second week in Guatemala were getting to make new Guatemalan and American friends, helping to teach English class, participating in soccer practice, being challenged in faith through Biblical teachings, worship, praying with locals, visiting coffee shops, experiencing Guatemalan culture, meals and landscapes. 


At the end of my time in Guatemala I was able to go on an excursion with the group staying on base. We traveled to nearby Acatanengo, an inactive volcano, hiked 5+ hours up into the clouds and saw first-hand the eruptions of Fuego, a very active volcano. We spent the night on this mountain top, woke up early for the sunrise and then hiked all the way back down. It was one of the most difficult hikes of my life as we needed to carry all of our gear, food and water with us. We gained approximately 5,000ft of elevation throughout the hike! Watching that volcano erupt into the dark of night was such an incredible experience. I am so grateful that I had this special opportunity to experience more of God’s creation and beauty of Guatemala. It was such a great way to end my time there. 

Now that I am home, I will be home for the holidays!! I am so excited to spend the next few weeks with family and friends. Once the New Year hits, I will be off to the races again with more trips already on the schedule for the next few months. Stay tuned!!


For more pictures from Guatemala please check out the following link:

Guatemala Photos

As always, I am incredibly thankful for all of you who continue to support my journey and the ministry happening through Adventures in Missions. I could not do what I love without your support!

If you’re interested in planning a trip in 2024 or would like more information about how you can get involved, please reach out to me, I would love to hear from you!!




2 responses to “Guatemala Week 2”

  1. Such beautiful photos! I love hearing how God is continuing to use you to make a difference in the world! Hugs & love

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