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This video is a compilation of moments from my four weeks in Ft. Myers, Florida this summer. I was able to lead five different groups in ministry throughout my time there. We did many different projects including mucking & gutting homes, rebuilding homes, volunteering in the food bank, putting on community dinners, community cleanups, beach worship and more! This summer gave me the confirmation that I am made to be a missionary leading others to do the same. It totally energizes me and lights my Spirit on fire to be able to watch both youth and adults step out of their comfort zones to help others and experience the love of God in new ways. 

During my time leading, we also had plenty of time to get to know one another, play games, share in devotions, worship together, share meals, and reflect on each day. It was truly amazing to meet and get to know so many new friends. I love them all. 

This will be the summer I will always remember stepping into my dream role in leading missions for others. I thank God for this opportunity and I thank all of you, my support system for encouraging me and being apart of my journey. 

This song, “In Jesus Name (God of Possible)” by Katy Nichole is one that I fell in love with this summer. It is my prayer over my teams, the communities we served in, and over my family and friends at home. No credit for this song is mine, I just love it. 

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3 responses to “Summer 2023 Missions Recap Video”

  1. I am so thrilled for you! I’m glad that God has showed you his plan and revealed your gifts! Look forward to following you for future things to come!

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