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Hey Support Family! 

I wanted to give you an October update and also let you know that I will be taking off to serve in Black Mountain, NC at the end of the month with my home team homies! Yep, that means old pals & soon to be pals from Central Maine! I will be leading and serving alongside the Adventures Relief team and the Maine crew from Oct. 31-Nov. 8!

It’s incredible how full circle life can be at times. Just two years ago I was wrestling with wanting to break free from the classroom to serve with AIM after returning home from my year-long international mission. I felt called to bring some hometown homies with me to Ft. Myers, FL to partner with the newly formed Adventures Relief ministry. We ended up serving over Thanksgiving and it was a life changing experience for all of us. It ultimately led me out of the classroom and into full time ministry with Adventures. Now, two years later, I am getting ready to launch onto the field with a similar mission: to lead the hometown team on mission following the hurricanes & to help set-up the ministry base when we arrive. 

God is at work in mighty ways already. My friends Chris & Courtney Miller have felt compelled to haul their tractor trailer truck full of donations down to the Black Mountain area to be used for the base and for the families that have been devastated by the Hurricane Helene floods. We’re seeing an outpouring of love from our hometowns as donations flood in the pipelines of our communications. We’ll have a group of nearly 30 of us including multiple kids! 

It’s hard to know what we’ll see or how exactly we’ll help when we arrive BUT we trust that God has a plan set before us! I’m praying for divine opportunities to share His love, speak Biblical truth and bring hope to these hurting families. 

Behind the scenes with Adventures I have been working to help organize the many, many interested volunteers and to get them signed up to serve in Black Mountain, NC and St. Petersburg, FL in the weeks to come. I have also been beginning to help pray over and plan our 2025 Mission Leader training to take place at the end of February. We are also finishing up the planning and writing of our 2025 devotional that is packed full of encouragement and scriptures we feel God is leading us to share with our participants in the upcoming year. We are working with over 50 teams already signed up to serve around the country and across the world with our ministry partners in 2025! 

All I can really say is, God is at work in so many ways! The kingdom of heaven lives on earth with us as we take the time to partner with His desires for us; to serve one another, to love our neighbors above ourselves, and bring His light into the darkness of this land. Do you see it? Do you taste it? Do you feel it around you? Are you partnering with God to make a difference in the world wherever you are? 

You can now view our 2024 Impact Report here:

You can also check out our Oct. 2024 STM Update here:

AND to sign-up to get connected with opportunities serve, or to find out more about Adventures in Missions ministry and all I am a part of, or to simply join me for a prayer meeting you can schedule a time to do so here:

I would love to connect with you! 

Peace & Love Always, 


(A few favorites from our trip 2 years ago!!)

2 responses to “October: Headed South for Disaster Relief”

  1. It warms my heart to see how God is at work right here in Madison and surrounding communities. The outpouring of support and donations for those who are hurting, the call on hearts to go…and serve in Black Mountain, NC. Giving thanks for you, Savanna, for the call on your heart, and the impact it’s making in loving and helping others. Praying for safety as you and your team serve in Black Mountain, and for all the good things to come in 2025.

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