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Who wants to build a house?! Pray for the hurting?! Encourage the downtrodden with the Word of God?! Or rest a little bit more in His Presence?! 

These are the things happening here at Adventures in Missions in Guatemala. There is no doubt that God is tangibly on the move here. And there are endless opportunities to get involved in what God is doing in these communities. In just one week I have been able to spend time praying over locals in parks, playing with kiddos in school yards and playgrounds, visiting homes in villages, building houses, practicing my Spanish, participating in Women’s Bible Studies, and learning about the variety of culture that exists here all while somehow resting much more than I do in the United States. The food is delicious, the sunrises and sunsets make me stand in awe, and the people are so inviting.

Being at Adventures Guatemala has reminded me that God is always moving, we just need to grab a hold of His coat and run with Him wherever He goes. We partner with local churches, individuals and Beauty for Ashes to broaden our ability to serve these communities. 

On my first day out in the community, we were meeting and praying with locals in an area park. Here, I met a boy whose name is Jose. He was watching us chat with a cell phone clerk when I decided to give him my attention. Through my broken Spanish, I was able to find out that his father passed away by falling into a sinkhole. He’s left to live with his mother and two sisters. His favorite color is blue and His favorite Bible story is about Jonah. Though only in the first grade, he loves to read and play soccer. We were able to pray over him and invite him to play soccer with us at the ministry. We were also able to invite his mom to the Women’s Bible Study that happens at the same time. Though a very heartfelt interaction, it didn’t take more than 30 minutes of my time. All it took was a little intentionality and care to see someone interested in being seen. These are the types of interactions happening daily here in Guatemala, relationships are of the utmost importance.

I wonder, who’s heart have you touched lately? Have you reached out to a friend in need recently? Or seen anyone visibly upset at work or in the grocery store that you might be able to encourage? I’m challenging you because in less than one week I have been so challenged to focus on the things of Earth that truly matter – relationships.

My time so far in Guatemala has reminded me of the importance of our lives to reach lost souls and to remind our hurting brothers and sisters that God’s love reaches out to them everyday, every hour. As I’ve spent extra time focusing on the truths we find in scripture, I am left rested and restored that we do not have to worry about the things of this world, for our eternity will be exceptionally better. The struggles we focus on in our day to day hold no significance in Heaven. Join me in focusing on the joy of knowing these truths and run forward with God at our side instead of feeling the weight of sin and the desperation of this world. I encourage you to reach out to Him with one hand and pull another loved one along with you with the other. This is how we live out our faith. This is how we best survive and thrive on this Earth. 

I will be in Guatemala for another full week as I continue to participate in the many ministries and ways God is working in this community. & I will continue to be working with Adventures in Missions for the foreseeable future. If you or someone you know may be interested in partnering with the work I am doing to see lives encouraged, uplifted and restored through missions, please reach out to me or check out this link as I have yet to meet my partnership goal for 2024:

To view more photos from my time here in Guatemala please go to this link & find Guatemala on the map!

Blessings to you all! 


5 responses to “Guatemala Week 1”

  1. Thanks for the challenge to make a difference with someone. A little time and love can lead to sharing Jesus- and we all need Jesus!

  2. Always so inspirational Savanna, thank you so much for sharing how God is working thru you! We have an awesome God! Keep up the great work you are doing. Helen B.

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